Trimegah is reappointed by the Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (MoF) as the only securities company that participates in a pilot project for the construction of a marketing mechanism of Retail Government Securities such as Retail Government Bonds (ORI), Retail Sharia Government Bonds / Sukuk (SR), Saving Bond Retail (SBR) and Savings Sukuk (ST).
Along with the increasing number of investment products and a number of retail clients, currently Trimegah actively provides selling and transaction services in the primary and secondary market for Retail Government Securities and corporate bonds at a competitive price.
In improving its service to clients, currently Trimegah is developing its online bond trading system for retail clients directly, and through Trimegah’s distribution partners. Our online system allows clients to execute their bonds transaction quickly and easily. At the moment, the system can only provide transactions in the primary market and is still continuously being developed in order to be able to facilitate transactions in the secondary market.
Sukuk Tabungan Series ST014
PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk ("Trimegah") is trusted by the Government of Indonesia to be the Distribution Partner of Government Bonds dedicated for Retail Investors in the Domestic Primary Market for the Fiscal Year of 2025.
The Government Bond for Retail Investors that is currently issued is Sukuk Tabungan (“ST”) Series ST014. The initial offer period will open from March 7 - April 16, 2025.
The Following detail is the indication of structure of Sukuk Tabungan (“ST") Series ST014:
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